Toolkit on Data Security and Open Source

“The Toolkit on Data Security and Open Source” is an invitation to talk about the insufficiency knowledge and awareness of the IT Security – to question the risks of mainstream communication platforms, that are being used, even though working with highly secure topics.  Is the reason a gap between the needs of cross-border researches and the currently available communication tools, used by investigative journalists in the region. To explore the cause, we see it as is necessary to explore the communication habits, present the opportunities, provide hands-on experience and rise the discussion. We believe that only in a close cooperation, with needs-based and bottom-up approach we can find a solution to improve the working conditions and therefore strengthen IJ.

The role of Investigative journalism in strengthening democracy in Eastern Partnership countries is crucial, caring for transparency and control. “When politics, business and crime cross borders, journalism has to do the same in order to provide adequate coverage”, writes Brigitte Alfter, Chief-editor of European Journalism Fund.

This toolkit was created in framework of the project project “Skills, knowledge & awareness: IT-security & communication for investigative journalism (IJ) in Eastern Partnership” with the aim – to raise awareness of data security and open source tools for communication amongst the investigative journalism scene in Eastern partnership Countries. The project was implemented in cooperation between n-ost e. V. (Germany) and Konrad Adenauer Stiftung (Germany), with friendly support of RPDI (Ukraine) and RISE Moldova (Moldova).

Find the full version of the current version here

This toolkit is a collection of thoughts, tools and tips on data security for investigative journalists from Eastern Europe, developed through series of workshops within the partner organisations in Ukraine and Moldova as well as with wider public. The content has been selected, based on the questions and feedback of the workshop participants. The authors of the publication are open for further suggestions – please contact us by writing to n-vestigate @

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License. The compliation was inspired and supported by the materials, found in following sites:

We are sincerely thankful to the authors of the manuals above, considering their time and energy invested into turning the online communication into a safe space  for all of us.

n-vestigate is a joint project by

© 2017 n-vestigate